Located at 859 County Line Road in Horsham, PA 19044


Human Skeletons for Sale

In the age of enlightenment, people learned about anatomy from more than just books. The use of articulated skeletons dates back to at least 1543, and by the 18th century, there were purveyors of this somewhat gruesome commodity such as Nathaniel Longbottom, whose card appears at right. Medical schools flourished in Europe in the 18th […]


Hearth Cooking Class: Let Food be Thy Medicine

Embrace the adage and learn how an eighteenth century cook filled the role of household physician with everything from broths to pastries. In 1747, English cook Hannah Glasse revolutionized how we ate by publishing the first book of recipes written in language for the common person. Today we delve into her recipes using authentic heirloom […]

Happy Hour with the Historian: 18th c. Medical Practice

Happy Hour with the Historian: 18th c. Medical Practice

Join us on Thursday, August 17 for an evening happy hour on the lovely summer grounds of Graeme Park, and a lecture on 18th century medical practices. Any assessment of 18th c. health care, when life expectancy on both sides of the Atlantic averaged 43 years, must include people ranging from educated physicians through barbers […]