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Happy Birthday, Pennsylvania!
Join the Friends of Graeme Park as we celebrate the founding of Pennsylvania with a free tour of the Keith House and FREE CUPCAKES (until we run out). This annual statewide event commemorates the granting of the Pennsylvania Charter to William Penn. Tours will be self-guided with a docent in each room to answer questions and tell you a bit of the history. The house opens at noon and last admission will be at 3 pm. Don’t forget we “spring…
Find out more »Lunch & Learn: The Doan Gang, Outlaws of the Revolution
Join us for a waffle breakfast, catered hot lunch, and lecture on the Doan Gang of Bucks County, presented by the Mercer Museum in conjunction with their special exhibit. The Doan Gang was a group of British loyalists, the most notorious members being five brothers and one cousin from the Doan family of Plumstead, PA. The gang was composed of around 50 members who were accused murderers, attainted traitors, horse thieves, and ferried British prisoners of war to British lines.…
Find out more »Horsham Day – Free Tours
Take a free tour of the Keith House, Horsham Township's only National Historic Landmark, as part of the Horsham Day festivities. On the hour between 10 am and 3 pm.
Find out more »Free Father’s Day Tours for Men
We will be offering free tours for men 18 and older on Sunday, June 15 for Father’s Day at 12:30, 1:30, and 2:30 pm. Women are $8 and children 6-18 are $6. Pay at the door. No reservations needed.
Find out more »4th of July Celebration
Join us as we celebrate freedom and independence with a performance of the Star Spangled Banner and a reading of the Declaration of Independence by our colonial costumed reenactors. The Tapestry Historic Dance Ensemble will be demonstrating period dances and there will be trivia, free ice cream (while supplies last), and kids (or adults) can try their hand at writing with a quill pen just like Thomas Jefferson used when he penned the Declaration. The Keith House will be open for guided tours following the reading.…
Find out more »Lunch & Learn: History’s Mysteries
History's Mysteries: What They Didn't Teach You in High School About the Revolutionary War and Colonial Era Many people love to read historical fiction. But, this is historical reality. Legends and lore have become a significant part of American history of the Revolutionary War and the colonial era. Among others, historical reality seeks to answer: “Who is Molly Pitcher and did she really fire a cannon at Monmouth” … “Did George Washington honestly have wooden teeth?” … “Where did Paul Revere…
Find out more »A Walk Among the Graeme Ghosts
Step inside the ghost story, and explore the haunted halls of Graeme Park. Over 300 years of spirits are active on the property, and as the veil thins between the spirit world and our own, the staff and volunteers cannot control the ghost activity on site. This year, we invite you to step inside the spirit realm. Join site staff and a hired medium to spend time in the museum after night fall. Maybe you can finally put the spirits…
Find out more »Christmas in the Colonies
Christmas in the colonies was celebrated differently, and sometimes not at all, by each ethnic group who settled here, bringing traditions from their homeland. Graeme Park was home to the Scottish Keith and Graeme families, Irish and German servants, enslaved workers, and later the Quaker Penroses. As you tour the rooms of the Keith House, costumed volunteers will present these different traditions to you – some you will recognize in our modern day celebrations or maybe you’ll discover something new…
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