Located at 859 County Line Road in Horsham, PA 19044


Today in Graeme Park History – Lady Ann Keith’s Death

July 31 marks the anniversary of the 1740 death of Lady Ann Keith, wife of Sir William. After being removed from the governorship in 1726, Keith returned to England in 1728 to seek another appointment. Before leaving, he ensured that his wife would have access to all the rents and emoluments of Graeme Park for her support. She found the money earned off the property not enough, she applied to applied to Keith for the power to sell the property so that she could pay debts and still provide for her future support. Keith granted her this right in 1731 from London and the property was sold in 1738. Interestingly Keith did get himself elected to Parliament in 1732, but apparently was not supplementing her income, at least not sufficiently. While Lady Keith lost Graeme Park and most of her property, she was able to hold on to the glass coach and some china with the family coat-of-arms. In 1735 she wrote to her daughter Jane “you may judge of my sorrows – deprived of your dear father’s company – I would most joyfully rather have endured death than have parted with him, but if seems to be the will of heaven that I must submit.” She remained in Philadelphia with friends and died 5 years after writing that missive. She’s buried at Christ Church along with members of the Graeme family.
