Located at 859 County Line Road in Horsham, PA 19044


Progress on the Keith House’s New Roof

When we last left off, about mid-day on Friday, August 24, the lower slope of the south side was about half done.











And if you’re a Facebook Friend, then you saw where they were at the end of the day on Friday – about 2/3 done.










I made a quick trip out here Wednesday evening for something else, and saw that they had completed the lower slope on the south side, but didn’t have my camera with me and my phone was too close to being out of juice to allow for photos, so just picture those lovely new shingles extending all the way over to the right side of the roof.

When I arrived this morning, the work had progressed to the upper slope of the south side, and while it is difficult to see well in the photograph, they’ve covered from the right end to the first set of chimneys, which is pretty close to half.










The crew is off today for the holiday weekend, so work will not resume until next Tuesday, but at the rate they’re going, they should be on to the north side the next time we check in.