Located at 859 County Line Road in Horsham, PA 19044


Today in Graeme Park History – Charles Stedman’s Death

September 28 marks the anniversary of the death of the Graemes’ son-in-law, Charles Stedman, which occurred in 1784. Charles Stedman was born in Scotland in 1713, supported the Stuart cause and fought at Culloden. He escaped to Pennsylvania c. 1746 with his brother Alexander, with whom he ran a successful shipping business and engaged in […]

deb party

The Coming Out Party of 1929

Written by Margaret Marshall Strawbridge, September 25, 1929 I am basking in the sunshine, gray squirrels are skipping along the fence, a proud hen is cackling from the barn yard, the starlings and blackbirds are whistling to each other from the branches above me and the woods near by. I am living in memory [of] […]