Located at 859 County Line Road in Horsham, PA 19044


Share Your Memories

As part of our 300-Year Celebration we’d like to collect your memories of and stories about Graeme Park. Did you tour the house or visit with Mrs. Strawbridge? Sneak over to hunt for ghosts when it was still an old abandoned house? Work or volunteer here? Please share your memories with us and we’ll share […]

CANCELLED: Living History Sunday: Pirates in Colonial America

CANCELLED: Living History Sunday: Pirates in Colonial America

Governor William Keith, the first owner of Graeme Park, helped to rid the port of Philadelphia from the scourge of Blackbeard the Pirate. The Schooner Pursuit Historical Society will be here with their mobile museum to educate visitors on the difference between pirates and privateers, sign up recruits, and tell you about life at sea […]


1793 or 2020?

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. (Attributed to Mark Twain) In the summer and fall of 1793 yellow fever gripped Philadelphia, the capital of the United States. Benjamin Rush, the most prominent doctor in Philadelphia, wrote to his wife Julia Stockton in Trenton on September 13, 1793. “My Dear Julia, Alive! And tho […]

Museum Store Sunday

Museum Store Sunday

Shop Local. Support History & Heritage. We have books, puzzles, small old fashioned toys, stocking stuffers, and easy parking and no mall crowds. Open Fridays and Saturdays 10 am – 4 pm & Sundays noon – 4 pm. Free DIY gift wrap station for purchases made in our museum store on Small Business Saturday (11/30) […]

Christmas in the Colonies

Christmas in the Colonies

  Join us for Christmas in the Colonies! Tour the historic Keith House – decked out for the season – and learn about Christmas and holiday traditions in Colonial America from costumed interpreters. The Tapestry Historic Dance Ensemble will entertain you with with dance and music in the parlor, you’ll see what’s cooking in the […]

Living History Sunday: Dress Like a Pirate Day

Living History Sunday: Dress Like a Pirate Day

Governor William Keith, the first owner of Graeme Park, helped to rid the port of Philadelphia from the scourge of Blackbeard the Pirate. Learn about piracy in the colonies and beyond.  Children and visitors are invited to dress in their best Pirate costume and partake in a hunt for hidden treasure.

SOLD OUT – Haunted Lantern Tours & Mini Paranormal Investigation

SOLD OUT – Haunted Lantern Tours & Mini Paranormal Investigation

Graeme Park has long been rumored to be “the most haunted house in Horsham” with legends of Elizabeth’s ghost circulating back to shortly after her death in 1801. Your Lantern Tour guide will take you through the Keith House and will tell you some of the early stories, more recent experiences of our staff and […]

SOLD OUT – Haunted Lantern Tours & Mini Paranormal Investigation

SOLD OUT – Haunted Lantern Tours & Mini Paranormal Investigation

Graeme Park has long been rumored to be “the most haunted house in Horsham” with legends of Elizabeth’s ghost circulating back to shortly after her death in 1801. Your Lantern Tour guide will take you through the Keith House and will tell you some of the early stories, more recent experiences of our staff and […]

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